Statute of the Dornrosa eV (from 27.11.2010 changed on 05.10.2016)
§1Name, seat of the association, fiscal year
(1) The association bears the name "Dornrosa" eV It is registered in the register of associations under number VR - 626.
(2) The association is located in Halle.
(3) The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the association, tasks, goals
(1) The association exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the Tax Code. The association is selflessly active, it does not primarily pursue self-economic purposes.
(2) The "Dornrosa" e. V. t rode for the promotion:
- the current cultural creation of women and the development of their own creative expressions of women,
- the education of women,
- international sentiment and tolerance of women worldwide,
- the equal rights of girls and women within society.
This should happen above all through the creation of the necessary facilities by the association.
The "Dornrosa" e. V. wants to reach women of all social strata in the city of Halle, regardless of their different lifestyles, religions, nationalities and their age, creating encounter and communication opportunities and working with them to make visible and enforce women's interests. The association works within the scope of its possibilities with other women's groups and supports other women-specific projects within the meaning of the
Association's purpose.
(3) The funds of the association may only be used for the attainment of its purposes. No person may be favored by expenditures which are foreign to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high expense allowances or remunerations. The co-wives are not allowed to receive payments when they leave or when the association is dissolved.
§3 membership
The members of the association are called "Mitfrau" or "Supporting Mitfrau". Mitfrau in the "Dornrosa" eV can be every human being and supporting Mitfrau can become any association of people who identifies with the purpose, tasks and goals of the association.
§4 Acquisition of membership
(1) The association consists of active and supporting co-women.
Women are people who actively participate in the realization of the goals of the association.
Sponsoring fellow women can be people and associations of people; They support the association through regular contributions and can participate in their own discretion in the work of the association.
(2) The board decides on the application for membership.
§5 Rights and duties of the co-wives
(1) a) Wives have the right to apply for and vote in fellowship meetings. You are entitled to over conception and
Statute of the "Dornrosa" e. V. as well as its dissolution, to attend the meetings of the women and the elections according to the statute and to run for these elections.
b) The supporting co-women are entitled to participate in the meetings of the women with speech and proposal right without voting rights and to contribute their own ideas to the content of the work of the association.
§6 contribution
(1) Every fellow member is obliged to pay contributions to the association.
(2) The amount of the contributions shall be determined by each fellow-woman herself; however, they should remain constant as far as possible in the financial year.
§7 Termination of membership
(1) With a notice period of eight weeks the withdrawal is possible at any time by a written statement to the executive committee. Within this period, assumed obligations and agreements must be handed over personally to the Management Board.
(2) The membership ends by exclusion from the association according to § 8.
(3) If a co-wife does not pay for more than 12 months, her membership ends automatically after two reminders and non-payment.
(4) In case of death of a co-wife or dissolution of a sponsoring association their membership ends.
§8 exclusion from the club
(1) The Mitfrauenversammlung can exclude a Mitfrau from the association with 2/3 majority of the voting women present, if there is an important reason, such as misappropriation of funds or disregard of the statute or in the presence of a serious violation of the interests of the association.
(2) The application for the exclusion of a fellow woman must be made at least three weeks before the meeting of the women's assembly.
(3) The board is instructed to notify the woman to be expelled at least two weeks before the meeting and to give her the opportunity to speak.
(4) The exclusion shall be communicated to the co-wife, if she was not present at the decision, without delay by the board.
§9 club organs
The organs of the association are:
a) The Women's Assembly b) The Executive Board
§10 The women's assembly
(1) The women's assembly is the supreme decision-making body of the association and meets at least once a year.
(2) All members of the association are to be invited in writing by the Executive Board with the announcement of the agenda and within a period of at least two weeks.
(3) Any duly convened Women's Assembly shall be quorate.
(4) The General Assembly adopts its resolutions with a 2/3 majority of the voting women present, with the exception of other provisions in these Statutes. If a co-wife can not be present in person, a written vote is possible until the date of the women's assembly.
(5) The women's assembly is authorized,
- to adopt amendments to and amendments to the statutes,
- decide to change the purpose of the association with ¾ of the majority present in the authorized members of the association,
- To vote for and vote for co-women in the executive committee individually and on request
- to appoint a project, financial and / or staffing group (all hereinafter referred to as the working group) for one year's term, identifying at least 3 responsible women and a clear task assignment
- to decide on the exclusion of a fellow woman
- to decide on programmatic objectives and main areas of work of the association
- decide on the whereabouts of the association's assets upon dissolution.
(6) Minutes of the decisions of the Assembly of Wives shall be kept and signed by the respective meeting leader.
§11 The Extraordinary Women's Assembly
(1) The Board of Directors may convene an extraordinary Women's Assembly on its own initiative. The board is obliged to do so if at least ¼ of the co-wives request and submit a corresponding agenda.
(2) The Extraordinary Women's Assembly is authorized to decide on the dissolution of the association with ¾ of the majority of voting women present.
(3) The rules on the Women's Assembly shall apply mutatis mutandis.
§12 working groups
(1) A working group may be formed for club-specific topics.
(2) a working group consists of co-wives and possibly other interested parties. The members of the association are entitled to vote. (3) The meetings of the working groups are recorded.
§13 board
(1) At least three women members are elected to the Board.
(2) At least two co-women of the executive committee represent the association together judicially and outwardly (in the sense of § 26 in connection with § 40 of the BGB).
(3) The members of the Board of Directors are elected for a term of four years by decision of the General Assembly. If a woman member is dismissed from the board or leaves her prematurely, the women's assembly will choose one
Substitute woman for the remainder of the term of office of the dismissed / departed member of the Executive Board. The co-women on the board remain in office until the statutory appointment of the next co-wife on the board or substitute member of the executive board. Upon termination of membership, the Executive Board Office ends.
§14 Tasks of the Board
The Executive Board is responsible in particular for the following tasks:
(1) Execution of Resolutions of the Women's Assembly
(2) Preparation and Convocation of the Women's Assembly
(3) to take decisions on reimbursement of expenses.
§15 club assets
(1) The assets of the association and any profits may be used only for statutory purposes.
(2) Agreements / deposits are concluded with the individual co-wives contracts.
(3) The co-women in their function as such receive no donation from funds of the association.
§ 16 - Dissolution and cancellation of the association
(1) The dissolution can only be decided by an extraordinary women's assembly, which does not take other resolutions.
(2) The dissolution of the association must be approved by 3/4 of the voting members present.
(3) Upon dissolution, abolition or discontinuation of the tax-privileged purposes, after the consent of the tax office, the association's assets shall be given to a legal person of public law or another tax-privileged entity which shall use the funds for:
- Equality
- Promotion of arts and culture by women
- Women's education
- promoting the diversity of lifestyles.