With our commitment, imagination and self-confidence in our projects, we want to give women the opportunity for cultural exchange, communication and self-discovery and to work together to change the often disadvantaged situation of women in our society. From the experience that effective action can grow out of a shared experience, we want to make women-specific issues and problems visible and bring women's perspectives to the public.
The Frauenzentrum Weiberwirtschaft sees itself as a space for women and girls, as a place of women's culture, encounters and discussions in an emancipatory atmosphere, retreat, contemplation and contemplation, as a place of female perspectives and feminist ideas, as a place of women for women.
In addition to regular cultural events, workshops and exhibitions in the Galeriecafé, the Weiberwirtschaft offers advice and information for women in crisis situations, advice for lesbians, a women's library and feminist educational events. The women's economy offers space for women with and without children, with a husband or wife, for single living, immigrant women, unemployed women, girls, students, pensioners ...