GENERATIONS - Cultural Memory / Experience / Everyday Skills2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage because Europe's rich national, regional and local diversity is a unique catalyst for exchanges between people of all ages, social backgrounds and cultures and is a key component of cultural diversity and intercultural heritage.
We want to get involved in this topic with the FrauenKulturTagen 2018. On the one hand, culture first emerges through the establishment of a collective memory of symbols, media and institutions, on the other hand, there is a form of culture that is individually inscribed in family relationships.
We want to focus our attention on family and generation memory as a way of preserving cultural heritage in intrinsic form - as opposed to extrinsic motivation that can create identity through material forms of cultural heritage, such as art and architectural credentials.
Cultural memory and experience are integral parts of the family culture, which pass on grandparents and parents to children and grandchildren and form the basis for an individual cultural heritage. For educational processes in the family belong to the biographical basic experiences of a person, even if the educational process in the perspective of the further life course increasingly also extends to other social and cultural contexts and thus other places of education.
Our focus here is on the cultural memory that is activated by the grandmother and the mother for children and grandchildren, to bring experience in the everyday life of the later generations.
For the time being, it is important to ask to what extent this form of mediation and preservation is still effective in modern relationships.