Initial Consultation The Women's Center Weiberwirtschaft offers women and girls the opportunity of an initial consultation in various life and emergency situations (personally by appointment). The Women's Center Weiberwirtschaft offers advice for women and girls on the following topics: • initial consultation in conflict and crisis situations, • coming out advice, • Lesbian counseling, • Advising parents of homosexual children. Advisor Saskia head
Social legal advice eg pensions, social benefits, health insurance every third Thursday of the month from 3 to 5 pm Attorney Annette Hochheim
Family legal advice eg separation, divorce, maintenance, custody and custody Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 3 to 5 pm Attorney Babett Hünert
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Help phone - violence against women
The help phone - advice and help for women
Counseling Center of the Frauenschutzhaus Halle
Counseling Center of the Frauenschutzhaus
Wildwasser eV hall
Advice for women
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We look forward to helping you with further questions.
You'll find us here:Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 34, 06114 Halle (Saale), GERMANY
Give us a call: 49 345 2024331
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Donation account of Dornrosa eV IBAN: DE82 8005 3762 1894 0288 10 Hall of fairs Halle